Tori Williams Douglass

Creating Anti-Racist Education

  • 378 members
  • 117 posts

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The Man Got Me Down
 / month
Look, I get it. We're all trying to get by. Your support means the world to me to prove that you'll get early access to the podcast + video content I don't share anywhere else.
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This Is All I Got
 / month
If you have a twenty to throw in, you'll get weekly anti-racism video lessons from me, plus my thoughts on how to put these tools into practice in your daily life. Plus the thank yous from previous tier.
Pay The Rent Club
 / month
At this tier, you will get access to a short bio and occasional updates about the family White Homework is sponsoring for the year! You'll also get a digital illustration of the family we're sponsoring, as well as all the benefits of the lower tiers. (In order to protect the family's privacy, your card will be charged first before you have access to any of their information.)
  • Want merch? Sweet, we got that. Check it out! 
Skipped My Daily Coffee
 / month
First of all, thank you. Your support empowers me to educate people and make the world a better safer place for ourselves and our kids. You'll also receive White Homework merch every three months! Mugs, totes, t-shirts, and more, plus all the benefits in the lower tiers. 
  • Want merch? Sweet, we got that. Check it out! 
Working On My Racism
 / month
Join the crew! I've created a White Homework Discord group where we'll have discussions, readings, and a place to ask sticky questions you might not want to ask elsewhere. Plus all the thank yous in the previous tiers. 
  • Want merch? Sweet, we got that. Check it out! 
I Love Reparations
 / month
Wow. You're amazing. And committed. So let's connect! You get access to my calendar where you can schedule a Zoom call with me every two months and get your antiracism questions answered at your convenience! Building anti-racist community requires intention and you've got what it takes. (Plus all the thank yous in the previous tiers.)
  • Want merch? Sweet, we got that. Check it out! 
I Benefit From Capitalism
 / month
Recent posts by Tori Williams Douglass
Tori Williams Douglass

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